Jim Watts began his career working for the U.S. Congress in the energy sector and later became a Registered Lobbyist representing the venture capital industry in the areas of securities and tax. During that tenure he was highly successful in amending the securities laws as well as working with various areas of the tax laws. Over the years he has maintained his contacts in Washington even while focusing primarily on investment banking in California.

Today, the Federal government is involved in the world of business more than ever. But not all that involvement is negative.

One positive area currently is the CBD (cannabinoid) industry which is being carefully investigated by the Food and Drug Administration while it is experiencing explosive growth from an industry standpoint. This is the classic case of a new industry where many industry participants believe that responsible regulation by the FDA and FTC can be a good thing. Other areas, such as oil and gas, are always undergoing change and scrutiny. Some government initiatives may be helpful, but most are not.

The way to deal with the Federal government is to have a continued involvement and presence. “Fly-by” meetings and occasional trips to Capitol Hill are rarely successful unless they are followed up conscientiously with regular contact. And unfortunately, the gears of government turn slowly.

Jim Watts has many years’ experience dealing with the government and is available to advise and consult on a cost-effective basis.

For further information and / or a personal consultation contact Jim at 949-433-2599 or at jwatts@pacificsummit.com.